Water is one of the essential elements within gardens around the world and through the ages. The reason? Water – its ripples, cascades and reflective glints -represents life.

misty lake
zen water chelsea 11
corydalis against rain water
bamboo fountain-detail
grey stone spouts
water pot in corner
misty lake thumbnail
Luciano Giubbilei chelsea 11 thumbnail
corydalis against rain water thumbnail
bamboo fountain-detail thumbnail
grey stone spouts london walk thumbnail
water pot in corner thumbnail

We are drawn to water, even in the smallest courtyard. It can cool us, calm us and muffle surrounding noise. The sound of water adds a fourth dimension to our existing garden textures, scents and colours. Water will animate the most sullen space.

Watching the range of wildlife also drawn water – to bathe, swim and live in even the smallest bowl – is a bonus. And a range of rather lovely water-based plants suddenly open up to us; we’ve created a whole new gardening environment.

Water features do need decent construction and regular maintenance, as well as careful design and siting to look ‘settled’. But done well, the investment is well worth the hypnotic result.